Monday, September 20, 2010


Hi you all....How's raya? Ada have fun? Your kiddos kaya raya hari raya ka kumpul angpau? haha... As for me I had fun WORKING in a very spooky empty building for so many of you cuti raya for 2 weeks. Sunyinya.......

Ok back to said topic, my JOY sudah ada extra resume lah, watching movie in the theatre itself! Not any movie, she debuted with PIRANHA! Tapi too bad we entered the theatre a few minutes late so lampu dah padam, she screamed her head off - MOMBOKKKKKK!!!!! LoLz. But the after a few minutes she settled and sitting at MrVai's lap she savoured her unlimited popcorns and a large Wa [coke]. Not long into the movie she made the audience laugh hard when she screamed - eeeChak!!! again LoLz. But I'm proud of her for being brave because while many girls in the room closed their eyes JOY was all eyes and at awe with the huge screen and loud sound.

Talking about PIRANHA you people know I'm a DVD addict and can go on a long run 'hilang' sekejap menagih movie. As a true hunter I always get the kind of DVD version most of you mere mortals can only hope to have, so to say I can sometimes or most of the time dig out uncensored version. That mafaka PIRANHA you see in theatre had been chopped and diced to small fine or microscopic portions. You don't get to see the awesome parts like the 'boobs shaggin-naked duyung pair under the fibreglass boat, tequila on belly button/lick salt sprinkled on tummy and bla-bla-bla. Oh and also even the piranha tak teringin nak makan dick of the major asshole of a guy, kena muntah balik. Plus....Plus the cool part when cable terputus from the collapsing stage potong badan aweks in vertical cut putus setengah, kena potong lembaga cencorship pasal can see her boobies after the cut caused her bra to fall off. Lame sungguh lembaga cencorship kita, killjoy sungguh.

Whatever it is, we had fun yesterday night, lepas ni cari cerita kartun pulak, since she can sit still and watch. Have a good week fellas, love your family, love yourself.



Kenny De said...

hahah! funny la ur JOY! best!

AmirFX said...

Dah start movie marathon? Kmk bok start.. Dah kumpul 10 cita k tangga time tok.. Semua hasil dari donlod sahaja.. haha...

Faizal n Fashitah said...

Kamek leput2 tetak nangga crita Piranha ya.. tang kekatonan glak rupa n tabiat nya hehe. Bah, ya jaklah komen saya dalam tok. Xoxo. yerRr

flo... said...

aih..berani juak la Joy ktk hoo...bgs da jak..hehehe..xpat magine nya menjerit dlm movie ya..hehehehe....

joynstar said...

haha yes JOY memang best, fun loving kiddo

I love yu tu, haha... free movie memang the best.

bang Odio
yer...XOXO ya mun mok sambung mesti gossip girl kan?

potong stim orang nya deng, orang tgh feeling di- eeechak nya.