Saturday, July 25, 2009

Selfish BlogPosting In MiriCommunity

Yesterday (24th July) Honey sms-ed allerting me on a 'certain post' in Miri Community which stayed there on the digest panel for the whole day regardless of how many other new feeds being posted by fellow members. And I checked it out. I'm not a moderator so there's nothing much I can do but to write about it.

This fellow blogger I found out had deliberately altered her 'post option' to the 25th July 2009 so that her blogpost remain on top of the digest throughout the day! What a selfish move! We have to watch her blogpost title hovering the much fresher posts. Thus limiting rolls for newer topics. Seriously, if your post is so interesting or important, I wouldn't mind.

Undeniably clever, but I don't fancy that kind of act. If you have a serious 'attention seeking' case go mail your friend and make them follow your blog. Don't bother us reader with your 'hey! look at my post!' entry. Maybe new to the blogging world, but it doesn't hurt to mind our blogging manners. Miri Community belongs to everybody, if you need more attention buzz, go join facebook, darn I don't even have one.

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